Material is an important consideration when choosing luggage. Both soft and hard-shell luggage have their own advantages and disadvantages and are suitable for different travel needs. This article will compare the material differences, advantages and disadvantages of these two types of luggage in detail to help you make a wise choice.

Soft luggage

Material Introduction

Soft luggage is usually made of nylon, polyester or canvas. These materials are known for their flexibility and lightness.


  • Portability: Soft suitcases are generally lighter than hard-shell suitcases, making them easier to carry and carry.
  • Expandability: Due to the soft material, this type of luggage usually has a certain amount of expansion space and can accommodate more items.
  • Easy to store: Soft luggage can be compressed more easily for storage or fitting into tight spaces.
  • External pockets: Most soft suitcases come with multiple external pockets for easy access to your items.


  • Poor protection: Compared with hard-shell suitcases, soft suitcases are less protective of the items inside and are more susceptible to external pressure and impact.
  • Durability: Soft materials are prone to wear and tear and have a relatively short lifespan.
  • Weak waterproofness: Soft luggage usually does not have good waterproof performance and requires additional protection measures when used in rainy days.

Hard shell luggage

Hard shell luggage

Common materials for hard-shell luggage include ABS (acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene), PC (polycarbonate) and aluminum alloy. These materials are known for their strength and durability.


  • Strong protection: Hard-shell suitcases provide better protection for internal items and can effectively resist external impact and pressure.
  • High durability: Hard shell material is not easy to wear and tear and has a long life.
  • Good water resistance: Hard shell luggage usually has good waterproof properties and is suitable for use in various weather conditions.
  • Stylish appearance: Hard-shell luggage has various designs and stylish appearance, suitable for travelers who pursue individuality.


  • Heavier weight: Hard-shell luggage is generally heavier than soft luggage and may be less convenient to carry.
  • Poor expandability: Due to the tough material, hard-shell suitcases have poor expandability and cannot hold more items.
  • Inconvenient storage: Hard-shell suitcases cannot be compressed and require a large space for storage at home or in the car.

Select suggestions

Choosing soft or hard-shell luggage mainly depends on your travel needs and personal preference.

  • Short trips: If you mainly travel short distances and need to access items frequently, soft luggage may be better for you.
  • Long-distance travel: If you are traveling long-distance and need to protect your valuables, a hard-shell suitcase is a better choice.

You can also read our article How to choose high-quality trolley luggage?to learn more about choosing luggage.

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