The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of the different types of computer viruses and the potential risks they pose.

Computer viruses are malicious software programs that are designed to replicate and spread from one computer to another. They can be spread through email attachments, downloads, and even through physical media such as USB drives. Once a computer is infected, the virus can cause a variety of problems, ranging from minor annoyances to serious data loss and system damage.

There are several different types of computer viruses. The most common type is the file infector virus, which infects executable files and can spread to other computers when the infected files are shared. Another type is the boot sector virus, which infects the boot sector of a computer’s hard drive and can cause the computer to become unbootable.

Other types of computer viruses include macro viruses, which are embedded in documents and spread through email attachments, and polymorphic viruses, which can change their code to avoid detection by antivirus software.

Computer viruses can cause a variety of problems, including data loss, system crashes, and even identity theft. It is important to take steps to protect your computer from viruses, such as using antivirus software and avoiding suspicious downloads and email attachments. Additionally, it is important to keep your operating system and other software up to date, as this can help prevent viruses from taking advantage of security vulnerabilities.

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